Landowner/Gratuitous Membership Notes
- Membership Is Free To Landowners and certain members who make substantial contributions to our club.
- You can use the pay online form and it will still be free provided you do not request a premium NYSSA membership.
- This information is required only to issue sticker and mail newsletters.
- The Mexico Trail Riders membership includes a basic NYSSA membership. You may also select to upgrade the NYSSA membership to the Trail Defender level, by selecting this you are doing this in lieu of the basic NYSSA membership, the additional cost is $20 and is wholly the burden of the applicant.
- MTR memberships includes: state registration voucher, decal and a min of 4 issues of Trail Notes, the MTR newsletter.
- For the DMV voucher we need the EXACT names and address as it appears on ALL registrations.
- We have provided spaces for eight names, Member, Spouse (married or not) and up to six children, if there are any additional names required please include them on a separate piece of paper or on the back.
- Addresses must all be the same, which is what defines a family in the eyes of the voucher.
- We have provided for a separate mailing and voucher address if needed, if not leave voucher address blank.
- We only need all last names if different from member.
Application Form
Mexico Trail Riders, Inc. Membership Application
NYS Charities Registration 20-50-85
Once the information section is completed submit the form and you will be directed to the payment section were you can pay with Pay Pal. The submit button will forward all of your information to us for processing. When we receive this information and confirmation of payment (if necessary) we will process your membership.